Since today is the last day of February, I thought I better check to see if my met my monthly blogging goals. Whew, I did. But I noticed that I blogged 7 times in January and only 3 times in February. Why, you ask?* Well maybe it's because January was jam packed with fun stuff I wanted to blog about (true...but so was February). Or maybe it was because January was super boring and I didn't have anything to do but blog (false). Or maybe it was because I was excited about the new year and wanted to record my excitement (probably true). Or maybe it was because I felt like wasting a lot of time at work (true, but I felt like wasting a lot of time at work in February, too). Or maybe it was a little bit all of these things and a little bit none of these things. Hmmm...
Looks like I better get to trying some new recipes because I've only done 3 out of the 30 I committed to try. And I better get to reading! I am close to being done with a book that I started in January but lost a little steam on it so haven't picked it up much lately. THIS WEEK.
*No one asked. Just me. I was writing to myself. About myself.
Or maybe it was because our stupid internet has been down. FYI my friend said something like that happened to him recently and he called Time Warner and informed them of the days his internet was down and they adjusted their bill. I think its worth looking into! Just saying. Make Karen call them in the morning.